* CONFIGURATION3.0 # ESRU system configuration defined by file # cfg *date Tue Jun 13 10:55:10 2017 # latest file modification *root cfg *zonpth ./ # path to zones *netpth ./ # path to networks *ctlpth ./ # path to controls *aimpth ./ # path to aim2 files *radpth ./ # path to radiance files *imgpth ./ # path to project images *docpth ./ # path to project documents *dbspth ./ # path to local databases *hvacpth ./ # path to hvac files *bsmpth ./ # path to BASESIMP files *radcore 1 # number of cores available to Radiance *indx 1 # Building only 52.000 0.000 # Latitude & Longitude (diff from time meridian) 8 0.200 # Site exposure & ground reflectivity 1.000 0.000 0.000 # views to sky ground buildings * DATABASES *stdmat material.db4.a *stdcfcdb CFClayers.db1.a *stdmlc multicon.db4 *stdopt optics.db2 *stdprs pressc.db1 *stdevn profiles.db2.a *clm clm *stdmscldb mscomp.db2 *stdmould mould.db1 # mould isopleths *stdpdb plantc.db1 *stdsbem SBEM.db1 *stdpredef predefined.db1 *slr_half_hr 0 # solar timing hour centred *quick_run 0 # no *ctl ctl *year 1967 # assessment year *water_in_zones 0.6 998.2 4190.0 0.0 # water cond density spec ht shortwave abs # sim setup: no. sets startup zone_ts plant_ts save_lv @ each ts *sps 1 1 1 10 2 0 1 1 1 10 default # period & name *sblr test *end_set *end_sps # Name and address of building *B-NAME not yet defined *B-ADDRESS not yet defined *B-CITY not yet defined *B-POSTCODE not yet defined # Contact information for building owner *O-NAME not yet defined *O-ADDRESS not yet defined *O-CITY not yet defined *O-POSTCODE not yet defined *O-TELEPHONE not yet defined # Contact information for simulation team *C-NAME not yet defined *C-ADDRESS not yet defined *C-CITY not yet defined *C-POSTCODE not yet defined *C-TELEPHONE not yet defined * PROJ LOG log * Building test building 2 # no of zones *zon 1 # reference for test *opr ./z01/z01.opr # schedules *geo ./z01/z01.geo # geometry *con ./z01/z01.con # construction *ihc ./z01/z01.htc # convective hc coef *zend *zon 2 # reference for test *opr ./z02/z02.opr # schedules *geo ./z02/z02.geo # geometry *con ./z02/z02.con # construction *ihc ./z02/z02.htc # convective hc coef *zend *cnn cnn # connections 0 # no fluid flow network