Building/Ground_Reflectivity [Reflectivity of the ground for solar radiation, Units: dimensionless] Climate/SnowDepth [Depth of the snow on the ground, Units: cm] building/all_zones/energy_balance/net [Energy balance in building (Gains + Plant interaction - Loads; all zones)., Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/all_components/heat_loss [Heat lost through all components of envelope (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/all_components/net_flux [Net heat lost through all components of envelope (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/ceilings/heat_gain [Heat gain from surroundings through ceilings (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/ceilings/heat_loss [Heat loss to surroundings through ceilings (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/ceilings/net_flux [Net heat loss to surroundings through ceilings (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/floors/heat_gain [Heat gain from surroundings through overhanging floors (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/floors/heat_loss [Heat loss to surroundings through overhanging floors (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/floors/net_flux [Net heat loss to surroundings through overhanging floors (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/foundation/heat_gain [Heat gain from ground through below-grade elements (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/foundation/heat_loss [Heat loss to ground through below-grade elements (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/foundation/net_flux [Net heat loss to ground through below-grade elements (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/infiltration/heat_gain [Heat gain from surroundings via infiltration (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/infiltration/heat_loss [Heat loss to surroundings via infiltration (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/infiltration/net_flux [Net heat loss to surroundings via infiltration (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/walls/heat_gain [Heat gain from surroundings through walls (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/walls/heat_loss [Heat loss to surroundings through walls (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/walls/net_flux [Net heat loss to surroundings through walls (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/windows/heat_gain [Heat gain from surroundings through windows (all zones, excluding insolation), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/windows/heat_loss [Heat loss to surroundings through windows (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/envelope/windows/net_flux [Net heat loss to surroundings through windows (all zones), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/free_cooling [Free cooling used in building (all zones)., Units: (W)] building/all_zones/insolation/adverse [Solar gains admitted through glazing that increase cooling loads (all zones)., Units: (W)] building/all_zones/insolation/total [Total solar gains admitted through glazing (all zones)., Units: (W)] building/all_zones/insolation/useful [Solar gains admitted through glazing that supplant heating loads (all zones)., Units: (W)] building/all_zones/internal_gains/adverse [Sensible heat transfer from occupants, lights and equipment that increase cooling loads (all zones)., Units: (W)] building/all_zones/internal_gains/total [Sensible heat transfer from occupants, lights and equipment (all zones)., Units: (W)] building/all_zones/internal_gains/useful [Sensible heat transfer from occupants, lights and equipment that supplant heating loads (all zones)., Units: (W)] building/all_zones/supplied_energy/cooling [Total amount of cooling supplied to the building (all zones)., Units: (W)] building/all_zones/supplied_energy/heating [Total amount of heat supplied to the building (all zones)., Units: (W)] building/all_zones/supplied_energy/net_flux [Net heat/cooling supplied to the building (all zones)., Units: (W)] building/all_zones/thermal_loads/cooling/total [Total cooling load ( heat gain through envelope + ventilation and infiltration loads; all zones ), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/thermal_loads/heating/total [Total heating load ( heat loss through envelope + ventilation and infiltration loads; all zones ), Units: (W)] building/all_zones/thermal_loads/net [Total net load ( heat gain through envelope + ventilation and infiltration loads; all zones ), Units: (W)] building/day/future [Day corresponding to future simulation time row, Units: (day)] building/day/present [Day corresponding to current simulation time row, Units: (days)] building/day_number/future [Day # corresponding to future simulation day, Units: (day)] building/day_number/present [Day # corresponding to current simulation day, Units: (days)] building/hour/future [Hour corresponding to future simulation hour, Units: (hours)] building/hour/present [Hour corresponding to current simulation hour, Units: (hours)] building/month [Month corresponding to current simulation time row, Units: (-)] building/test/BCL29_free_cooling [Free cooling delivered to zone through BCL 29, Units: (W)] building/test/Base-6/AmbRT [Ambient radiant temperature for exterior surface, Units: (oC)] building/test/Base-6/HCe [External side convective coefficient, Units: (W/(m2 K))] building/test/Base-6/HCi [Internal side convective coefficient, Units: (W/(m2 K))] building/test/Base-6/ext_surf_temperature [Temperature on exterior face, Units: (oC)] building/test/Base-6/heat_flux/above_grade/net [Heat transfer through building envelope (above-grade), Units: (W)] building/test/Base-6/heat_flux/radiation/shortwave [Short-wave solar radiation, Units: (W)] building/test/Base-6/heat_flux/radiation/shortwave/unit_area [Short-wave solar radiation per unit area, Units: (W/m2)] building/test/Base-6/plant_containment_flux [Plant containment radiant heat flux at surface, Units: (W)] building/test/Base-6/temperature [Temperature on zone inside face, Units: (oC)] building/test/Top-5/AmbRT [Ambient radiant temperature for exterior surface, Units: (oC)] building/test/Top-5/HCe [External side convective coefficient, Units: (W/(m2 K))] building/test/Top-5/HCi [Internal side convective coefficient, Units: (W/(m2 K))] building/test/Top-5/ext_surf_temperature [Temperature on exterior face, Units: (oC)] building/test/Top-5/heat_flux/above_grade/net [Heat transfer through building envelope (above-grade), Units: (W)] building/test/Top-5/heat_flux/radiation/shortwave [Short-wave solar radiation, Units: (W)] building/test/Top-5/heat_flux/radiation/shortwave/unit_area [Short-wave solar radiation per unit area, Units: (W/m2)] building/test/Top-5/plant_containment_flux [Plant containment radiant heat flux at surface, Units: (W)] building/test/Top-5/temperature [Temperature on zone inside face, Units: (oC)] building/test/Wall-1/AmbRT [Ambient radiant temperature for exterior surface, Units: (oC)] building/test/Wall-1/HCe [External side convective coefficient, Units: (W/(m2 K))] building/test/Wall-1/HCi [Internal side convective coefficient, Units: (W/(m2 K))] building/test/Wall-1/ext_surf_temperature [Temperature on exterior face, Units: (oC)] building/test/Wall-1/heat_flux/above_grade/net [Heat transfer through building envelope (above-grade), Units: (W)] building/test/Wall-1/heat_flux/radiation/shortwave [Short-wave solar radiation, Units: (W)] building/test/Wall-1/heat_flux/radiation/shortwave/unit_area [Short-wave solar radiation per unit area, Units: (W/m2)] building/test/Wall-1/plant_containment_flux [Plant containment radiant heat flux at surface, Units: (W)] building/test/Wall-1/temperature [Temperature on zone inside face, Units: (oC)] building/test/Wall-2/AmbRT [Ambient radiant temperature for exterior surface, Units: (oC)] building/test/Wall-2/HCe [External side convective coefficient, Units: (W/(m2 K))] building/test/Wall-2/HCi [Internal side convective coefficient, Units: (W/(m2 K))] building/test/Wall-2/ext_surf_temperature [Temperature on exterior face, Units: (oC)] building/test/Wall-2/heat_flux/above_grade/net [Heat transfer through building envelope (above-grade), Units: (W)] building/test/Wall-2/heat_flux/radiation/shortwave [Short-wave solar radiation, Units: (W)] building/test/Wall-2/heat_flux/radiation/shortwave/unit_area [Short-wave solar radiation per unit area, Units: (W/m2)] building/test/Wall-2/plant_containment_flux [Plant containment radiant heat flux at surface, Units: (W)] building/test/Wall-2/temperature [Temperature on zone inside face, Units: (oC)] building/test/Wall-3/AmbRT [Ambient radiant temperature for exterior surface, Units: (oC)] building/test/Wall-3/HCe [External side convective coefficient, Units: (W/(m2 K))] building/test/Wall-3/HCi [Internal side convective coefficient, Units: (W/(m2 K))] building/test/Wall-3/ext_surf_temperature [Temperature on exterior face, Units: (oC)] building/test/Wall-3/heat_flux/above_grade/net [Heat transfer through building envelope (above-grade), Units: (W)] building/test/Wall-3/heat_flux/radiation/shortwave [Short-wave solar radiation, Units: (W)] building/test/Wall-3/heat_flux/radiation/shortwave/unit_area [Short-wave solar radiation per unit area, Units: (W/m2)] building/test/Wall-3/plant_containment_flux [Plant containment radiant heat flux at surface, Units: (W)] building/test/Wall-3/temperature [Temperature on zone inside face, Units: (oC)] building/test/Wall-4/AmbRT [Ambient radiant temperature for exterior surface, Units: (oC)] building/test/Wall-4/HCe [External side convective coefficient, Units: (W/(m2 K))] building/test/Wall-4/HCi [Internal side convective coefficient, Units: (W/(m2 K))] building/test/Wall-4/ext_surf_temperature [Temperature on exterior face, Units: (oC)] building/test/Wall-4/heat_flux/above_grade/net [Heat transfer through building envelope (above-grade), Units: (W)] building/test/Wall-4/heat_flux/radiation/shortwave [Short-wave solar radiation, Units: (W)] building/test/Wall-4/heat_flux/radiation/shortwave/unit_area [Short-wave solar radiation per unit area, Units: (W/m2)] building/test/Wall-4/plant_containment_flux [Plant containment radiant heat flux at surface, Units: (W)] building/test/Wall-4/temperature [Temperature on zone inside face, Units: (oC)] building/test/air_flow_model [Air-flow-model (0->3), Units: (-)] building/test/air_point/relative_humidity [Zone relative humidity, Units: (%)] building/test/air_point/temperature [Zone air-point temperature, Units: (oC)] building/test/envelope/all_components/heat_gain [Heat gained through all components of envelope, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/all_components/heat_loss [Heat lost through all components of envelope, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/all_components/net_flux [Net flux through all components of envelope, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/ceilings/heat_gain [Contribution of ceilings to cooling load, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/ceilings/heat_loss [Contribution of Ceilings to heating load, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/ceilings/net_flux [Contribution of ceilings to net heat flux, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/floors/heat_gain [Contribution of overhanging floors to cooling load, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/floors/heat_loss [Contribution of overhanging floors to heating load, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/floors/net_flux [Contribution of overhanging floors to net heat flux, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/foundation/heat_gain [Contribution of foundation to cooling load, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/foundation/heat_loss [Contribution of foundation to heating load, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/foundation/net_flux [Contribution of foundation to net heat flux, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/infiltration/air_changes_per_hour [Zone infiltration (air changes per hour), Units: (ACH)] building/test/envelope/infiltration/balance/air [Air movement into zone, Units: (kg/s?)] building/test/envelope/infiltration/balance/air_exchange [Air movement into zone, Units: (ACH)] building/test/envelope/infiltration/heat_gain [Contribution of infiltration to cooling load, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/infiltration/heat_loss [Contribution of infiltration to heating load, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/infiltration/net_flux [Contribution of infiltration to net heat flux, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/walls/heat_gain [Contribution of walls to cooling load, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/walls/heat_loss [Contribution of walls to heating load, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/walls/net_flux [Contribution of walls to net heat flux, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/windows/heat_gain [Contribution of windows to cooling load, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/windows/heat_loss [Contribution of windows to heating load, Units: (W)] building/test/envelope/windows/net_flux [Contribution of windows to net heat flux, Units: (W)] building/test/insolation/adverse [Solar gains admitted through glazing that increase cooling loads, Units: (W)] building/test/insolation/total [Solar gains admitted through glazing, Units: (W)] building/test/insolation/useful [Solar gains admitted through glazing that supplant heating loads, Units: (W)] building/test/internal_gains/adverse [Internal heat gains (convective + radiant) that increase cooling loads, Units: (W)] building/test/internal_gains/total [Internal heat gains (convective + radiant), Units: (W)] building/test/internal_gains/useful [Internal heat gains (convective + radiant) that supplant heating loads, Units: (W)] building/test/supplied_energy/cooling [Zone net heat extraction, Units: (W)] building/test/supplied_energy/cooling_Perm2 [Zone net heat extraction, Units: (W/m2)] building/test/supplied_energy/heating [Zone net heat injection, Units: (W)] building/test/supplied_energy/heating_Perm2 [Zone net heat injection, Units: (W/m2)] building/test/supplied_energy/net [Zone net heat injection/extraction, Units: (W)] building/test/supplied_energy/net_Perm2 [Zone net heat injection/extraction, Units: (W/m2)] building/test/thermal_loads/cooling/total [Total cooling load ( heat gain trough envelope + ventilation and infiltration loads ), Units: (W)] building/test/thermal_loads/cooling/total_Perm2 [Total cooling load ( heat gain trough envelope + ventilation and infiltration loads ), Units: (W/m2)] building/test/thermal_loads/heating/total [Total heating load ( heat loss trough envelope + ventilation and infiltration loads ), Units: (W)] building/test/thermal_loads/heating/total_Perm2 [Total heating load ( heat loss trough envelope + ventilation and infiltration loads ), Units: (W/m2)] building/test/thermal_loads/net_load [Net load ( heat gain/loss trough envelope + ventilation and infiltration loads ), Units: (W)] building/test/thermal_loads/net_load_Perm2 [Net load ( heat gain/loss trough envelope + ventilation and infiltration loads ), Units: (W/m2)] building/test/windows/position [Window position as per BCL25 controller (0->1), Units: (-)] building/time/future [Time corresponding to future simulation time row, Units: (hours)] building/time/present [Time corresponding to current simulation time row, Units: (hours)] building/time_step [Time step #, Units: (-)] climate/ambient_air_tsat [ambient air saturation temperature, Units: (oC)] climate/cloud_cover [Climate cloud cover, Units: (fraction)] climate/dry_bulb_temperature [Climate dry-bulb temperature, Units: (oC)] climate/relative_humidity [Climate relative humidity, Units: (%)] climate/sky_temperature [Climate sky temperature, Units: (oC)] climate/sky_temperature_depression [Climate sky temperature depression, Units: (K)] climate/solar/diffuse_horizontal_radiation [Climate diffuse horizontal solar radiation, Units: (W/m2)] climate/solar/direct_normal_radiation [Climate direct normal solar radiation, Units: (W/m2)] climate/wind/direction [Climate wind direction, Units: (degrees)] climate/wind/velocity [Climate wind velocity, Units: (m/s)] total_fuel_use/electricity/all_end_uses/quantity [Total amount of electricity used on site., Units: (kWh/s)] total_fuel_use/hard_wood/all_end_uses/quantity [Total amount of hard wood used on site., Units: (tonne/s)] total_fuel_use/mixed_wood/all_end_uses/quantity [Total amount of mixed wood used on site., Units: (tonne/s)] total_fuel_use/natural_gas/all_end_uses/quantity [Total amount of natural gas used on site., Units: (m3/s)] total_fuel_use/oil/all_end_uses/quantity [Total amount of oil used on site., Units: (l/s)] total_fuel_use/propane/all_end_uses/quantity [Total amount of propane used on site., Units: (m3/s)] total_fuel_use/soft_wood/all_end_uses/quantity [Total amount of soft wood used on site., Units: (tonne/s)] total_fuel_use/wood_pellets/all_end_uses/quantity [Total amount of wood pellets used on site., Units: (tonne/s)]