library(ggplot2) library(ggpsychro) options(width = 150) df <- read.csv("data1.csv",col.names=c("DateTime", "DB", "RH","DP","P","WIND","WIND-DIR","SUN","RAIN","START")) df=df[complete.cases(df), ] df$DB=(df$DB/10) df$RH=(df$RH/100) df$P=(df$P*100) df2 <- df[, c("DB", "RH")] head(df2) # Use chull on the x and y columns of df hull_indices <- chull(as.matrix(df2[, c("DB", "RH")])) head(hull_indices) # Print the indices of the points that make up the convex hull #print(hull_indices) # Use the indices to get the points themselves hull_points <- df2[hull_indices, ] # Print the points that make up the convex hull print(hull_points)