bank-statements =============== Usage: `python3 [-s]`. Script to parse bank statements downloaded from Natwest, HSBC and Santander and print an aggregated statement in CSV format to standard output. Alternatively, use `-s` flag to group transactions by week and print a spending report. Statement output is in the form ``` Date,nw-statement-1.csv,nw-statement-2.csv,...,santander-statement.txt,total DD-MM-YYYY,,,...,, ... ``` Statements are looked for at `statements/natwest/*.csv`, `statements/hsbc/*.csv`, `statements/hsbc/*.midata` and `statements/santander/*.txt`. Natwest statements should be downloaded by going to `Statements` -> `Download or export transactions`. For `Time period`, choose `Last 4 months`, and for `Download/export type` choose `Excel, Lotus 123, Text (CSV file)`. Santander statements should be downloaded by going to `View transactions` -> `Download transactions`. Choose MIDATA format in the `Download to` dropdown. HSBC current account statements should be downloaded in MIDATA format, and savings account statements downloaded as CSV. Tests can by run with `pytest`.